Wednesday 12 December 2012

A Lifetime Love Affair


 "I love you Robert Mitchell and I always will." Her eyes gazed upon him with such a certainty felt only from the purest of innocence that surely defined true love. Nothing else mattered and nothing was more important than that summer afternoon looking into the eyes of the one she would one day marry and love until the day she died. "I love you too Lea Ann Mason." There was a nervousness in his voice but his words were truthful. She was beautiful and he did love her. Robert was uncertain as to what the future would bring but he did not want this moment to end. On a sunny August afternoon in a meadow next to the ravine, an eleven year old boy and a ten year old girl professed their undying love for one another.
Robert sat in the chair flipping through the same magazines he had read many times before. He also felt like he was intimately familiar with this particular chair having spent many, many hours sitting and waiting. Today the wait would be over and it was not the ending he had hoped for when his otherwise wonderful world had turned to a nightmare. Throughout the morning people had come and gone from the room which was now empty except for him. Robert was grateful for this as more than anything on this morning he desired to be alone. “Alone”, He thought to himself. It was a concept he was going to have to become accustomed to. It had been almost a year to the day since Robert had taken a leave of absence from his teaching position at the University of Western Ontario where he had taught political science for twenty eight years. An accomplished writer in the field of politics, he had also written seven books of varying topics dealing with government legalities, foreign policy, economic infrastructure as well as culture change in the computer era. He also once served as a foreign policy advisor for a past Prime Minister. In addition to the leave of absence, Robert had also cancelled all speaking engagements and book signings due to this more urgent and pressing matter. As he waited patiently and with a heavy heart for the moment he wished would never come, he looked out the window and stared at nothing as the world continued on its way. Soon his mind began to wonder back to happier times.
“Just what do you think you are doing Mr. Mitchell?” We are on vacation and you promised you would not bring your work with you this time.” Lea Ann had that stern look in her eyes that Robert had seen many times before. She wasn’t angry but then again, she wasn’t pleased. It had been just a few weeks earlier that Robert sat in an office and listened to the devastating news. He decided to take Lea Ann on a vacation to the Muskoka region. Lea Ann had always the loved visiting there. “I’m just finishing tying up a few loose ends is all”, Robert replied. “I won’t be long. Besides, I thought you were going to paint some trees and birds or some watermelon or something today”, he scoffed back. Suddenly, Robert felt a jolt of pain in his left shoulder. “Ouch, that hurt”, he piped at Lea Ann. It didn’t really hurt at all but he thought he would play it for all it was worth. “It hurt my ass! When I want it to hurt, it will”. You know damn well I don’t paint watermelons, but if I could find one right now I might be inclined to shove it up your ass!” Robert burst into laughter and was soon followed by Lea Ann’s snorts which Robert just adored. Lea Ann was an accomplished painter who had her works displayed in some of the finest galleries in the country. Robert was very proud of her and had always like the fact the she was so artistic and talented. It was a contrast to his personality and he had always loved that about her. And teasing each other about their chosen professions to them was about as normal as an over-easy Sunday morning coffee. As Lea Ann left the room she hollered back, “Just be ready to go by five thirty. I don’t want to be late for our dinner reservations at that fancy, smancy restaurant you’re taking us to”.  “I will be done and ready long before that that”, Robert shouted back. He could hear opera music in the back ground as Lea Ann always painted while listening to opera. He hated it, but since it made his wife happy he just tried as best as he could to tune it out. Robert was glad she had left the room because he did not want her to see what he was working on. She never looked at what he was writing because it was always some boring political or economic drivel. Only this time it wasn’t. This time, Robert was working on a book project for her and he wanted it to be a surprise.
“Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Mitchell! Are you alright?” Robert came out of his daydream. “Ummm, yes, I was just lost in thought. Is it time?” “No, not yet Mr. Mitchell” the woman replied. “I was just checking to see if you needed anything. Would you like me to get you a coffee or anything?” Robert was still a bit lost in his thoughts but finally managed to reply. “No thank you Gina. I am fine.” He looked around the room, then at the stack of magazines he had already read and then once again he looked out the window and watched the traffic go by. He thought of what was to come and he was scared. “How will I ever get through this?” he thought to himself. A few people entered the room, sat down and immediately began chattering amongst themselves. For the next hour or so, people came and went as Robert sat there alone with a blank stare that seemed to go unnoticed by everyone. After a while, all he heard was irritating noise as he drifted back to the past and back to happier times hoping that the present would turn out to be nothing more than a bad dream. He had been doing a lot of that lately but always found himself back to the disheartening reality that all good things must one day end. Robert knew the end was but a few hours away. After that, everything would change.
“Mary and I are going to do some shopping today. Is there anything that you need? Robert, are you listening?” “Yes of course I am listening. Enjoy your walk with Mary and tell her I said hi.” Mary just laughed which of course got her husband’s attention. “What are you laughing at?” he asked. You! You get so lost in your work and you never hear a word I say.” “I’m sorry honey” said Robert. “Hey if you are going shopping could you pick me a few pairs of socks?” “Of course I will” said Lea Ann still smiling from her husband’s ability to be aloof of the world around him. Immediately Robert again became engrossed in his writing. Although with no clear deadline to complete this new project, he sensed urgency like never before. He was tasking himself with something different than his usual work and like the perfectionist that he was, anything less would be unacceptable. Lea Ann left for an afternoon of shopping while Robert toiled in the task of doing something he never thought he would ever do and something he thought he could never do. But he knew he had to and more than that, for the first time in his life he wanted to do it. The afternoon seemed to pass by in a matter of minutes as Robert heard the front door open as Lea Ann returned from what he presumed was a marathon of purchases. “Is that you honey” he called out. “Yes and I am exhausted” she yelled back. “Did you remember to buy me a few pairs of socks?” “I bought your four pairs. I also bought you a few pairs of boxers and a new shirt.” Robert knew that this was not a good sign. Whenever his wife bought him clothes it meant she purchased an insane amount of items for herself including more knick knacks for the house that was already cluttered with such meaningless items. Robert shut off his computer feeling very satisfied with his efforts for the day and made the trek out to the front foray so as to go through the motions of seeming to be interested in whatever his wife brought home from her latest excursion. He was never concerned about money as they never needed to be. Robert was just happy to see her smile and even more so these days. “I suspect you spent the whole afternoon writing about productivity in the work place or devising some new age math for governments to tell us how well they are doing while the economy goes to hell in a hand basket?” Lea Ann asked sarcastically. “As a matter of fact Mrs. Mason, I was working on a novel titled, Lifetime Love Affair” he replied smugly. As Lea Ann walked by him carrying her bags of clothes, she leaned in towards him and whispered in his ear, “Asshole”! She just kept walking. Robert chuckled as he soon followed her to the kitchen. She looked up at him with a smile. “You do know that you are an Ass hole don’t you?” “Of course I do and I know that you love.” Lea Ann shook her head. “Yes I do and for the love of God I don’t know why.”
Robert sat in the chair still lost in happier times before realizing that the room had filled up with people and this chatter instantly annoyed him. He tried in vain to let his day dream linger before deciding to go for a walk. The sun a came out shining yet the cool breeze remained persistent letting all know that soon colder days would return. Robert had no clear direction as to his walk or as to his life as he just put one foot in front of the other. Not sure how long he had been walking he soon noticed the entrance of the university where he taught. Standing there for a few moments, he let the reality that he would never teach again wash over him only to find that he did not feel any emotion whatsoever. It wasn’t as if Robert’s world was about change. His world had already changed and today he would be made to accept it. In a few hours he would do what he knew he had to do and it would devastate him. To all other matters, he felt only indifference. Paying more attention on his walk back Robert notice a collection of pictures in a storefront window. He studied these generic paintings as his thoughts soon turned to Lea Ann’s paintings. He remembered her first big gallery showing and how excited and nervous she was.
 “Which is your favourite painting Robert?” The question had come from Lea Ann best friend, Mary. Shortly after buying their first home together Lea Ann had met Mary who owned a beauty salon. The two were inseparable ever since. Robert had also become friends with Mary’s husband, Greg who was a police officer. When Robert was hired to do a study for a Conservative Think Tank on crime and rehabilitation, he talked to Greg extensively for guidance in understanding police policy and how such things would affect the statistics. The two couples had become quite close over the years and now, when Robert needed support during these times, Mary and Greg were always there for him. “To be honest Mary, my favourite picture is the one she painted of a watermelon. Her brush strokes seem to capture the texture perfectly and the bright colours had me envisioning the happiness and joy of sinking my teeth into a ripe and juicy watermelon” Robert replied. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his upper left arm. “Ouch”, he cried out with a big grin on his face as Lea Ann pulled back her hand that had just punched him. “You’re an ass hole Robert! You know damn well I have never painted any watermelons!” The four of them enjoyed a laugh or two until Lea Ann was called away by the gallery owner to speak with a potential customer interested in one Lea Ann’s paintings. Greg was admiring a painting leaving Mary and Robert alone for a minute. “She really is so talented”. “Yes she is!” said Robert.  “I hope she does well tonight”. Robert was extremely proud of his wife and her talent. In fact, he had secretly purchased one of her paintings that night and had planned to donate it to the University library. Lea Ann sold a total of five paintings that night for a tidy sum of money. She didn’t care about the money as she was just thrilled that the event was a success and that people liked her paintings. They decided to walk for a bit downtown after the showing was over. Lea Ann had her hands wrapped around Robert’s arm as they enjoyed a midnight walk on a beautiful summer night. “I am so happy for you sweetheart” Robert said to her. “Thank you dear”. Lea Ann leaned in and kissed her husband on the cheek as they continued their walk. Even after dating for so long and even after thirty nine years of marriage, Robert was still nervous and he felt awkward about affection with his wife. Yet he loved moments like these. He never understood what this beautiful and creative woman saw in a stuffy, stiff-lipped Political Science Teacher but was thankful to have her in his life. “What a beautiful night” said Lea Ann looking at Robert and smiling. “Every night is a beautiful night with you” Robert said. He instantly thought that it was a ridiculous thing to say and felt silly. But his wife’s head on his shoulder told him it was the perfect words to say. “You know Mr. Mitchell, with your writing skills, you should write a novel.” “You want me to write a fictional novel?” Robert asked curiously. “What about a love story? You could write a fictional love story based on us!” quipped Lea Ann. “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t know where to start or how to write such a thing. You know I’m not good expressing my feelings” Robert came back with. Once again Lea Ann smiled at him. “You are man of few words that is true. But your words are always genuine. I can tell by your body language, your mood, and the look on your face exactly what you are thinking. Sometimes what you don’t say tells me everything I need and want to hear. If you could find a way to make the reader feel what I feel it would definitely be a story worth reading!” Robert thought on his wife’s musings for a bit before saying “I have it! I can call it a Lifetime Love Affair. Since it would take me my whole life to write it you would have stay married to me forever” he told her. They both laughed and then Lea Ann said something that Robert never forgot. “I fell in love with you that day in the meadow and I have loved you ever since. If you need a lifetime to write our love story than I believe you will have all the time in the world” As Robert began retracing his steps his thoughts were fixed on his wife’s words of that night, then he thought about this day and what would come to pass in just a few hours. “Just like every fictional novel every real love story also has to end” he thought to himself.
As Robert walked the hallway back towards his familiar sitting area, he saw Gina flagging him down. “Is it time?” he asked, yet not really wanting the answer. “Yes” replied Gina. “It is time Robert”. Gina had come to know Robert very well because of the appointments and meetings over the past year and she truly looked upon him as a friend. She instinctively wrapped her arms around him as she felt him start to tremble. Both had tears in their eyes as she whispered softly in his ear, “I know this is the saddest day of your life but in time, you will get through this!” Gina led Robert, into an office where he was to sign the documents that would destroy the only world he ever knew and loved. His signature and one last act would end his lifetime love affair.

Robert stood there alone staring at was once his world and reason for living. All was quite except for his soft whispers and the steady humming and beeping sounds of the various complex machines located around the room. Even as he looked down at his wife’s broken body he only saw the beautiful woman he married thirty nine years ago. The cancer had spread quickly and within a year this once vibrant and energetic woman had been reduced to a scrawny ninety pounds. Robert was thankful that the doctors were able to make her comfortable and that her final days were relatively pain free. They had never said goodbye to each other. They made a promise that they never would. With a trembling hand, Robert slowly stretched out his hand to push a button that would shut down the machine keeping his wife alive. All of the paperwork had been filled out, signed and filed according to his wife’s wishes. The funeral arrangements had been prepared in advance. Everything was set and all Robert had to do was push that button and two lives would come to an end. He hesitated as if waiting on an eleventh hour miracle that he knew would never come. He heard the clicking sound of a machine shutting down, and a once beautiful voice becoming silenced forever. It was over. Robert took a thick stack of papers out of a bag he had been carrying around all day. He placed it on the bed next to Lea Ann and moved her hand over to rest on the papers. “I love you Lea Ann.” He then walked out of the room and down the hallway without saying a word. Nurse Gina just touched his arm lightly as he walked by but no words were spoken. No more words were needed. As Robert passed the waiting room where he had spent so many of his days and nights since getting the news of his wife’s illness he stopped and just stared into the empty room. Then he went home.
Robert stood at the sink washing the dishes. He had a dishwasher but since there were only a few dishes, he just washed them the old fashion way. He had spent several days after the funeral cleaning the house and tending to things that had been ignored for quite some time. Robert found himself humming to the opera music that had been playing all day on the stereo as he did his domestic chores. By nine thirty in the evening he was satisfied that that the entire house was as clean and immaculate as it could be and needed to be. He poured himself a Rum and Coke with ice and sat down in his favourite chair with a stack of papers and a small box. Robert looked at the page on the top of the stack for quite some time while sipping on his drink. He placed the papers down on the end table next to the chair and opened the box resting on his lap. The sound of opera music could still be heard at ten thirty. The small box had fallen off of Robert’s lap. The half-filled glass of Rum and Coke slipped from his hand and went crashing to floor. The only sound heard after that was the sound of opera music.

Greg was on patrol that night when the call came in. He though he had frozen when the dispatcher gave him the address but soon realized he was parked at the home of his old friend. The flashing lights from the police cruisers and ambulance lit the entire neighbourhood. Hoards of people stood on their front porches waiting for a glimpse of something terrible. He entered the house and immediately heard the sounds of the opera. He thought this strange as he knew Robert detested opera. Walking into the den Greg stopped in disbelief. On the floor was a small box the Robert had kept a hand gun in for safety. He recognized the gun still on the floor as the one he gave Robert some years ago. Robert was still sitting in his favourite chair with fresh blood that covered the right side of his face. He also noticed a few wet areas on the rug that he presumed came from a glass that had fallen and broken into pieces. Greg knew instantly what had happened and why. His long-time friend Robert Mitchell had taken his own life. Yet something on the end table caught his attention as he leaned in for a closer look. Suddenly there was silence. “Hey”, he snapped at a rookie officer. “Why did you turn off the music?” The young officer answered nervously. “I just thought it would be better to turn it off.” “Turned that music back on now” Greg snapped back again. He again turned his attention to the end table with a large stack of papers on it. The top page was spattered in blood but the title was still visible. As he read the title a slight grin came across his face. He knew he was looking at Robert’s latest book. He read the words aloud.


A Lifetime Love Affair, by

Robert Mitchell
Lea Ann Mason




What Comes And Goes...Revisited

It was another year of hope
Still dangling in what comes and goes
What disappears seemingly forever
Perhaps victims of perception
Until we dare scratch more than the surface
Unravelling each and every knot
No longer amicable to just hanging on
Climbing up or slipping down
Choices we tend to defer
As the middle is where we feel safest
That baggage that weighed us down
Until the day we chose to cut it loose
Steps ahead now not looking behind
Yet some pains still ever nagging
For a time to make our own sunny days
Eyes now squinting from brightness
Until our eyes focus
Adjusting to the lost yet familiar
Embracing the smile yet still distant