Thursday 17 January 2013


This one bombed from the opening line. Some times you just stink plain and simple. But it's okay to save them because poems are like days of the week. Some days you can do no wrong and other's like pulling teeth!!

If I were a flower and you were a bee
You could buzz all around
But always land firmly on me
If you were the sun and I was the moon
We would defy mother nature
From July until June
If you were rich and I was poor
You could give me so much
Yet I would give you more
If you were wisdom and I was time
In between the miles endless
Still the loving ties that bind
If I was calm and you were the edge
We could meet in the middle
And feel safe on the ledge
If I was beer and you were wine
Like oil and water
Yet there is a love we find
From emotions and words
Two hearts would rhyme
If I was a writer and you were ink
Joining hearts and hands
Then everything in sync
If I was reality and you were a dream
I would sleep forever
Then everything as it seems
If I could see your dreams
I could make them real
When two become one
It becomes part of the deal
If I could hear your words
I would hear promises spoken
Still all I feel
Are the promises broken

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