Sunday 15 April 2012

Life In Transition


On an ordinary morning I found myself caught in a magical moment of hope and inspiration. It was as if in a transitory phase and elevated to a state of serenity while time held me motionless yet, never with any forced bindings. I felt the gentle breeze nudge gently as if cuing my attention towards the blatant, yet that which I had always ignored. Suddenly, were the sounds of birds singing and the songs of no purpose for the love of just singing. The leaves heard rustling letting all know that it was once again time for parts to be played. In the air, an aroma of freshly cut grass peaked the senses and awoke curiosity. The sun was already in motion passing effortlessly between clouds and radiating warmth that felt soothing to an otherwise, lost soul. Bright colours now blending into focus as a life once deemed chaotic avails in perfect balance. It is a collusion of good intentions and most welcomed as innocent thoughts become reminding and romantic dreams now deemed to be within grasp and tangible. This intake of ingredients is a recipe for a spirit renewed as I exhale a world of stress and of crowding calamities. Happy to be baited by the chorus of nature’s performers, I am the audience appreciative and adorning.

Never wanting to interrupt perfection, the evening sky allowed the day it’s time in the sun. As one would relent, the other availed and neither upsetting the balance of a process perfected with time. A once bright horizon now allows itself to be shrouded and then overshadowed by the mystique of a moonlight never quite understood, yet always embraced. Clouds dissipate and are blown away as stars light the night sky like a Peacock proud and displaying. Coolness soothes the skin once heated as my eyes refocus and I immerse pleasurable in the simplest of addicting lights. The colours combine and are sorted to form my dreams amicable. The world, like my dreams, seems wide open and with room to grow. This great and endless expanse expands my mind as visions become sighted and imagination is reported as possibilities. The restrictions of the body are not felt now. My curiosity shows me a glimpse and trace of knowledge and wisdom that can only be found when a heart is wide open to the discovery of timeless and boundless. Like settling dust my worries are put in their proper place and that void allows for space to be filled with what nourishes. My time here is brief as I must give way to the priorities of the night. Through sleep and dreams I drift to foreign lands with no regard for the balance that will see a night gifting and claiming.

Tomorrow will be today’s lesson learned when learning that life's opportunities only presents to those who wish to live life fully. There is always clarity amid the ambiguity if we are willing to embrace that there are some mysteries that we are never intended to solve. And it is that limitation presented to us all that can define the differences of being idle or being still. If we can believe that this journey does not end rather, that it prepares us for another phase of existence, then curiosity is not restlessness and wisdom is not knowledge. Whether by choice, chance or circumstance, we play our part. When the clues are never ending, when the answers only lead to more questions and when a wrong turn can find you at the right place, who am I to ever refuse such a quest?

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