Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Big Brown Box We Leave Behind

Defining life in increments
It is better that way
Nothing is overwhelming
There is good and bad
And what avails in between
Small sips from a cup almost empty
For each new day
Hinging on a fulcrum delicate
Between the sun rising and setting
More than a life passes you by
Always knowing it took pieces of you
One day you take stock
Then that disheartening reality
When knowing it took more than that
The times passed
Yet you still reside in that place
Left lingering are moments ambiguous
The ones hurtful
What you could not resolve
Until that deciding day
Made stronger from the killing
Reborn in the survival
Every story must have an ending
We are not naive just hopeful
When happily ever after fails
Nearer to the end
It is not salvation we seek
Nor justification
Afraid no one will remember
Or even worse
That they never forget

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