Friday 24 February 2012

Hopefully Sometime This Year

An excerpt from the impending book, "For No Improper Purpose" about corruption in the family law industry in Canada.
..................and so it is too with family law that the threat of punishment for non-compliance is the basis by which this institution depends on to continue facilitating such outdated and archaic philosophies. Whereas this form of coercion and intimidation remains quite successful in keeping the masses from demanding their inherent rights, it all falls apart like a straw house in a hurricane when one man stands up and says, "No." It is the calling of this continual bluff which finally avails the self destructive agenda of our current family courts.
The threat of the removal of the privilege of driving is a strong motivator for any man to do whatever is within his power to prevent from falling into child support arrears. However, once that privilege is removed, in many cases there is a loss of income. That loss of income may in whole or part, remove the ability of the payer to pay child support. One need only have a grade school equivalent education to comprehend that the system has now failed everyone. No longer is the institution of family law acting in the best interests of children in such circumstances. It is now about nothing more than a judge exacting punishment for one who would dare question this self proclaimed saving grace of our community. Enter the role of the tax payers who will now collectively bare the financial burden through such services as Legal Aide as well as funding the social services safety nets for those who who are in need. And yet, the lawyers and judges and all who receive a paycheck from family law matters continue to receive that paycheck.
Another threat commonly used for non-compliance is that of incarceration. Once again, enter the role of the tax payers who will not only continue to fund the above mentioned costs, but will now also bare the financial burden of incarcerating each man who continues to defy those who would seek to deprive him of his rights. Incarceration is the most inane of all of the threats the institution of family law employs to further their corrupt agendas. It has an accumulative effect as not only is there an immediate loss of money for the purpose of child rearing, it also prevents future monetary gains as few men will endure a lengthy term of incarceration then freed to automatic employment. But once that threat of consequence is confronted with absolute disgust, utter contempt, and an unwavering resolve to defiance, family court judges leave themselves no option but to follow through on a threat that is clearly a detriment to society as a whole. But by this time, it not about what is in the best interests of children. It is about ego and it is about protecting a corrupt institution no matter the cost. And the lawyers and judges and those receiving a paycheck from family law matters continue to receive that paycheck.
The resolution will not be found in a rock not yet over turned. It will be found in plain sight where it has always been and just waiting for those with good conscience to invoke. It will not be found in any family court nor availed from those claiming authority but maintain immunity to any responsibility. The resolution will not avail from any tinkering of the system and making a complex process more complex. There are times when a medicinal ointment can remove the symptoms presenting as a rash. Then there are times when one must ignore the symptom and research the root problem which avails that rash. The root problem is not the institution of family law, but this institution will be the battle ground nonetheless for a social change not seen since the emergence of feminism. The pendulum never stops swinging and balance is only found when.......

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