Thursday 23 February 2012

Visiting Paradise

When asking photographer Doug Bisson if he was interested in taking the picture for my latest book, "Catching Butterflies", I had no idea what I was soon to be shown.

In mid fall when the colours began to magically change, Doug set out with the cover art model and childrens' author, Kailey Mae Robertson to take the perfect picture. In between rain clouds that dispersed as quickly as they came, Doug found the perfect spot and snapped some incredible pics while the sun was shining. There were so many beautiful pictures that I was beginning to think I would not be able too choose one. Then I viewed that one picture and I knew I had found my new book cover art.

It should be said that all I did was give out the image I had in my mind and let it be to see what would come back. No face to face words were ever spoken as all of this took place through a few email messages.

I was so inspired by the cover art that I sat down and wrote what would be the last poem for the book.

Visisting Paradise... Copyright@  Rob Mason 2012

Alone in thought in my field of dreams
Yet surrounded by all things majestic
That quieter place where all is heard
All but the irritation of a noisy world
The shining sun seems more radiant here
When not interrupted but embraced
A gentle breeze nudges me reminding
As if reminding we are long lost friends
I close my eyes and open my heart
Then eyes opened and it is not a dream
Surrounded by a rainbow of colours
A paradise found in a meadow of green
Abound in life and only found here
Sees nature and all of its glory
Once apprehensive but I remain still
Then accepted and we all blend as one
As a butterfly then two flutter near
I hold out my hand inviting
Like a dream that seems out of reach
Still happy to hold out my hand hopeful
The tall grass bends with the wind
As if it has learned what we have not
The trees acting like protectors
Letting through only what seems needed
Harmony is found in this quieter place
But in this place I cannot remain
A time to return to my concrete world
Like a guest I never stay too long

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