Monday 23 April 2012

Unknown Man


Remnants will reveal the man
That one unknown and faceless
Understanding his life in death
Leftovers are the failures defining
Scattered thoughts and trinkets
How he lived and how he passed
What happened in between
And how he died while still living
There were no valuables left behind
No treasures for you’re choosing
He took with him what mattered
Love and pain he kept to himself
He toiled for that better man
Labouring for a proper purpose
Never wanting to change the world
Only wanting to change his self
He was a meaningful man
But he could not see it
He was filled with such love
Yet he could never feel it
He wanted more time
But he did not get it
He was a man unknown
And he always knew it

1 comment:

  1. I walked a mile in his shoes and couldn't stand my life for one minute..
