Sunday 11 March 2012

Beginning An End


The northern winds have been strong as of late but everything must eventually subside. One last gust and one last show of force, then dissipating as the sun came out warming. From a time with streets quieter and emptied, sees now a time of activity. Havens once protecting from the elements, now abandoned in a time of a renewed spirit and and anticipation. What was once old has been forgotten. What is new will be embraced until old. As it is with the seasons, everything must die to be reborn.

Familiar are now the feelings once felt before. Familiar are the voices heard. And it has been too long since those voices calling. This world coming alive and making plans. There is optimism while taking stock in what survives. For the first time, young eyes will feel the warmth of the sun. For the first time, young hearts will feel the loss of those whose time had come. Opportunity seems no longer to chance as each new generation paves its own road. A thousand journeys begin today and a thousand journeys will end. That road paved can turn rough as all must make their own wrong turns to find home. Those setting out confident and yet, nervous and those staying behind proud and yet, fearful. There is a time for those wiser to teach. And there is a time when the learners must learn their own lessons. It has been this way since the time of the beginning and it is as constant as a child's love

The quiet has now been invaded by laughter and cheers as friends and neighbours rekindle their community. Children once pent and impatient, rush to discover what adventures have been left to find. Those discoveries will be endless and not just for the young. A time for things worn and rusted to be refurbished as it is with those who have been broken and in need of mending. Like wild flowers crowding the hillside, we present as resilient and renewable. There are those who have yet to awaken. Some procrastinate rising to the challenge. Others will forge ahead stubborn and with haste. Like day and night, in sight will always be that balance.

I notice things. I notice people. And I notice the things that people do. And it has been this way since the time of my rebirth. With my eyes opened, I see this world as it truly is. With my heart opened more, I can feel this world as it could really be. It all hinges on perception. It hangs in the balance. From black to white to grey, it dangles from a slipping knot of a fraying rope. But there is hope as long as there is still faith. And as long as grass still grows green and the sun rises each morning there can be change. I will not lead nor will I follow. My destiny lies along a different path. But I will play my part if only briefly. Yet like a child frustrated, the rules preventing a discovery of these times and places. And I yearn to discover more than that. The ingredients of the body mostly fluid. Yet with a spirit that is one part courage and three parts a fool. And that pleases me. Like a stallion chomping at the bit, I long for the reigns to be lessened so I may let loose. Never the need to win a race but so as to know how it feels to run freely.

My being reborn defines a new beginning. Yet that beginning will not last as long as the one before. Sooner days approach faster than I can retrace my steps to that point and time defining lost. It is there I left memories that remained out of focus. It was there that I saved the lessons learned. It is there and in that place that I discarded a spirit lifeless. And it is there where a life ended yet with no closure. Unfinished is chaotic and some wrongs need to be righted before the end. Time moves quickly and more so for the ones not contented. And this new season already heading towards an end.
And so too am I.

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